What to do when you are being treated casually?
When you find yourself desperately chasing for love, unaware false hope from self-insecurity base can lead to self sabotage. Hence you keep attracting people that treat you like a convenient store without any real sign of establishing a potential romantic relationship.
Self-love and realizing self values are the key areas to master. Ask yourself an empowering question: Why do I allow myself to be in this situation in the first place? Make lists your unique values and how you want to be treated, respect yourself and make a conscious decision to call it forwards by projecting that outwardly in your words and actions.
Be authentic to who you are, allow yourself to be treated the way you believe you deserve and hold that values. Detach from your desire to fill yourself with something or someone externally and give love first to yourself so that you are whole and in a space of receiving instead of chasing.
''There is no need to compromise your self-respect for love or security.'' - Belinda Grace (True Love Reading Cards)
Love and Light,
Angels Love Guidance