Angels Love Guidance
Connect to receive love and life guidance from the angelic realm.
Live from a higher perspective.
Learn to rise above and love like angels.
Love is an essence of life, a core foundation of our beings. Love cures all wounds, heals all pains and conquers all obstacles. Learning how to love ourselves and others unconditionally will give us access to the source of strength and wisdom that can guide us through the journey of life. It elevates our consciousness, shifts our minds, balances our emotions and helps us grow spiritually. As a result, we find peace in ourselves and with others, we gain the sense of oneness, we radiate love to attract more from within.
Dear All beautiful souls,
Warm welcoming and blessings to all. It's my great pleasure to share love and light with you. Angels Love Guidance is a love and life counseling through the wisdom of the angelic realm, a safe and loving space where you can find guidance that resonate with your current situation and gain the strength to rise above it.
Love is one of the best lessons we are given by the universe to learn about life. If you are having resentment and problem in the area of your love life, be thankful that you have been given such a powerful tool to transform and learn to rise above so that you may see limitless potential life has to offer. Unconditional love helps us live from the truth of our heart, to access true happiness from freedom within and raise your vibration to attract the love that you truly deserve and desire.

Angels Oracle Cards
Angels Oracle Cards are the main heartwarming tools to connect and receive loving guidance from the higher realms as I connect and channel through. The wisdom from the cards will help clarify, uplift and shift your perspective of the challenges you are currently facing. Along with personal soul coaching, I assist you in walking you through the path of life and love and transformation through soul lesson given by the destiny.

Inspired and guided by my own journey from the dark night of the soul to a soul awakening, I learnt to intuitively connect with my inner guide and higher spirit, the angels which have helped me to look within, shift perspective, face my own shadow to realize, release and rise above. It is one of my missions to spread love vibration in the humanity. Our world at this time is in so much need for love. Covered by layers of ego and dilution, we've forgotten the core of who we truly are, the light of love that shines eternally in our hearts. No matter where you are on your journey, finding way back to the true source of love begins with one simple affirmation in mind, I am love.
Angels Love Guidance

Angels Cards Reading Guidance Counseling
Connect and receive divine loving guidance on your love life journey from the angels through a live call counseling session that allows you to rest comfortably in the arms of the angels while sharing your story. Receive loving guidance from the angelic realm through Angels Oracle Cards and spiritual wisdom to shift your mind out of the darkness and fear based thoughts and come to the knowing of the light and self-realization in your heart center. The way out is found when we go within.
The session lasts approximately 1-1.5 hour each time. We will take the time to talk through coaching steps without restriction to time spent and numbers of question asked. Here are 2 pricing options:
1. First Session €75
- First time counseling within a period of 1 month
2. Second time onward €55
- any follow up sessions within 1 months after the first time
- good for healing progress, clearing blocks and rising vibration
- stay connected like having your personal angel coach

''Learn to rise above and love like angels''
Contact Sherrie
Please feel free to drop inquiry or questions you may have here. For card reading and live counseling please write your background story and questions here or email to: angelsguidance111@gmail.com